Benefits of Weight Training for Women

I often have my new female clients say to me "I don't want to do weights, I don't want to look bulky and muscly".  One thing we need to remember is that unless you are doing huge weights every day, you are not going to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger - and ladies, we can't look like Arnie unless we do some serious heavy lifting and eat egg whites all day! We just don’t have the testosterone in our bodies to naturally look extremely bulky.

Weight or strength training not only benefits you while you are working out but also has many post-workout benefits.   Here are a few:

1. Speeds up your metabolism - you burn more calories over the whole 24 hour day.
2. A flatter belly - who doesn't want that!
3. Long term weight management
4. Better results in less time.
5 Burn fat long after your workout has finished.
6. A firm and lean body - look toned!
7. Increase bone density - an advantage as you get older
8. Change and customise your body shape
9. Reduce depression and insomnia
10. Speed your way to a perfect sculptured physique.

My Personal Training sessions include weight training for these reasons. We also include specific strength classes on our group timetable and use weights even in our other classes. This ensures that my clients get the benefits of increasing their metabolism to burn more calories during the day on top of toning up those muscles to look healthy, and not bulky!


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