New Year Restart Tips

For many parents, this week is all about restarting - the new year, school is back, back to routine, spending time on you, revisiting your goals.
So let's quickly talk about goal setting.
Rather than focusing on a large goal, break it down into bite-size chunks that are more achievable.
For example
If you say you want to lose 20kg - that sounds like hard work!!!
But 20kg in a year is 10kg in 6 months, is 5kg in 3 months is only 1.6kg per month or 400g per week.
This sounds much more achievable.
The same goes for fitness goals. If you want to run a marathon by the end of the year, don't go out trying to run 40km next week. In 6 months aim to run 20km non-stop, so in 3 months that is 10km or one month 3km.
By breaking your goal down and focusing on smaller targets, your mind also believes it is more achievable and you are more likely to succeed.
So, what is your new small target for success?


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