5 Reasons you need “ME” time.

I work with a lot of Mums, and being one myself, I understand how easy it is to put the family first. Then add in work, friends, relatives and socialising, and we soon find that we have put ourselves last on the priority listing. Having ME time - time where you do what truly makes you happy, on your own, without interruption, is important for your mental and physical health. Here are 5 reasons why ME time is important.

  1. You need to fill your cup first - if you are stressed, depressed, sad, bored, lonely or frustrated, you are likely to feel like locking yourself away from others, not socialising and feeling even more stressed with the demands that family and work place on you - this leaves you with nothing to give to those around you. If you want to be a better mother, worker, partner, you need to give from your cup - and if that is empty, it is impossible to do that.

  2. Doing something for yourself that only you have input in, also enables you to get more focus on who you are and your identity - in that moment you are ‘your name’ and not someone’s mother. Take time for you to do you and know who you are.

  3. Reduce stress and truly unwind - if you don’t take time out for yourself, you will feel more stressed, exhausted, run down and overwhelmed. Being constantly under pressure raises your stress levels, which can also have a negative impact on your heart health.

  4. Doing things we enjoy makes us feel happier, and when we are happier, we feel more confident, positive and fulfilled.

  5. When we are overwhelmed or take too much on, we are less productive. Being stressed means we can’t think as clearly. Taking ME time allows you to step back, relax and come back to your work with more clarity allowing you to be more productive and achieve more in less time.

How can you create ME time? It doesn’t always need to be alone - as long as you are doing something that makes you happy.

It could be a hobby, painting, craft, or listening to music. It may be going for a walk along the beach or reading your favourite book in the sun. You might enjoy taking a nice long bath or meditating. You might enjoy gardening or exercising, or just sitting outdoors enjoying your coffee. Or you might enjoy regular massages or pamper sessions.

What are you going to do for your ME time? And make sure you block the time out of your calendar and then do it!


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