8 signs you may be Menopausal

As women get older, it is part of our journey to see our monthly cycle change, and also to start feeling and acting differently. But how do you know if you are heading into Menopause?

Menopause is the cessation of your menstrual cycle for 12 consecutive cycles. If you go 6 months without a cycle, then have one, you are still in “perimenopause” or the stage before Menopause. As we get older, our hormone levels (Estrogen and Progesterone) both drop, causing symptoms in both our mental and physical health and letting us know that we are already in perimenopause. Here are 8 of the most common.

  1. Irregular periods - this is the easiest one to identify especially if you have always been regular. Your period may become irregular, shorter, longer, heavier, or lighter. Track your period using an app like Clue or Flow and see if there are regular changes.

  2. Depression and Anxiety - are you starting to feel more anxious about things that didn’t worry you in the past? Are you feeling low and down more often? These changes to your mood and mindset can be a sign of perimenopause.

  3. Memory Loss - are you forgetting where you put your keys/glasses more often? Do you forget why you walked into a room or what someone told you? If this is becoming more regular than normal, it may be another sign of your changes.

  4. Headaches - regular or harsher headaches may occur in some people showing a change in hormonal levels and your cycle.

  5. Inflamed Joints or Aches and Pains - as our hormone levels drop it is common to feel more pain in your body, particularly in your joints. It can also be common for women to develop issues like frozen shoulder, which can be caused by inflammation in the shoulder joint, and may last up to 18 months.

  6. Hot Flushes - yes, we have all heard about these and they can take hold day or night, with many women stating the nighttime is worse.

  7. Insomnia - finding it difficult to get to sleep or stay asleep is another sign of our body changing. Hot flushes may cause you to wake during the night and you may find it hard to get back to sleep.

  8. Weight Gain - many women report weight gain particularly around their midsection - this is caused by the reduction in hormones, and we need to start moving differently from what we did in our 30’s. Strength training and low impact cardio is important to boost your metabolism, burn fat and maintain bone strength.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed on a regular basis it is always suggested to talk to your doctor and get advice from them on how to handle the symptoms.

As a qualified Women’s Health & Performance Coach, I understand the female body through different stages of life and can train you accordingly to see results.


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