Are you moving enough?

My 8 Week Challengers had a task last week to increase their steps each day over the week. They have done amazingly and their dedication and focus have been so great to see. They have come up with some interesting ways to add incidental movement, from laps around the kitchen to jogging on the spot while watching TV.

People who sit for 4 hours or more a day are considered sedentary. This includes adults who regularly exercise after work. Even just one hour of sustained sitting can cause blood to pool in your legs. Sitting for long periods of time all day can cause chronic diseases, organ damage, spinal damage, muscle degeneration, and leg disorders.

So this weekend, get outside!!! Don’t use the weather as an excuse to stop your health goals. You can rug up, put on a beanie and make it an adventure.

What can you do to get moving and improve your overall health and fitness?


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