Every January, we get caught up in writing new year’s resolutions - big things we are going to achieve this year. But many times those resolutions go out the window before we even get to the end of the first month. I’m not a big one for resolutions. Instead, I prefer my clients to focus on a specific goal and break it down into smaller achievable tasks. But more importantly, make that goal about loving yourself.

What is something you want to FEEL this year? Do you want to feel more confident? Do you want to feel energised? Do you want to feel alive and that you have contributed to society?

Whatever that goal is, write it down, then break it down by asking the following questions.

  1. Why is that goal/feeling important to you? Write down 3-5 reasons.

  2. How are you going to achieve it? Write down as many actions as you can, then choose the top 3.

  3. What obstacles will you face in undertaking those actions?

  4. What solutions can you find for those obstacles?

  5. Now you have your top 3 actions

This year we are making it about loving yourself. Be proud of how far you have come, even if you are not yet at your goal. Reward effort and performance and not looks. Be positive about what you can do and achieve. Look for the good things about yourself, and not just your body.

Our 2021 New Year Love You program kicks off soon - contact us for more info.


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