Training & Your Hormones

Here’s a topic for all the women. Did you know that your hormonal levels each month have an impact on your ability to get results from your training?

Each month your body goes through a hormonal cycle. At the start of your cycle (bleed) your estrogen levels are at their peak, enabling you to feel stronger than ever. You will be able to push your training harder and even achieve your PBs with weight training. As you enter the second half of your cycle (post-ovulation), your estrogen levels drop while your progesterone levels rise. You will find you are not as strong, you may feel lethargic and flat, and your training needs to be adapted around this.

For those women entering peri-menopause (the years before your monthly cycle ceases), you may find your hormones are all over the place - your monthly cycle becomes erratic and you feel cranky, have hot flushes, and can become more emotional. Again, during this time of your life, your training style needs to change, as it is now important to focus on strength training rather than high-intensity cardio. Yes, even to get rid of that tummy roll that seemed to appear overnight,

Once your monthly cycle ends and you have not experienced a period for 12 months, you are now in menopause. Again, this stage of life requires changes to your training style, with a focus on strength, balance, and ability to get off the floor (in case of a fall in older age).

Our Head Trainer, Carolyn, is a fully qualified Women’s Health & Performance Coach, who knows how to train each woman individually based on their stage of life and hormonal activity. Don’t let becoming older be an excuse to stop moving. Use it to get moving and set yourself up for a better quality of life for the coming years. To find out more, head to our Contact Us page and drop us a line.


New Year - Love You


Benefits of Post Natal Exercise