Why rehab is important

Have you injured yourself recently or in the past? Did you get help from a professional healthcare worker, like a physio or osteo?

Rehab is important to fix the underlying fault with the body. If we leave an injury unattended, the body will repair, but maybe not in the correct way, leaving you with ongoing issues later on in life. An example could be that you have a weak knee. By leaving it untreated, you will start walking differently to compensate for the soreness in the knee joint. This will lead to overuse in the other leg causing injury and pain in the knee and possibly ankle joint, as well as leaving your body leaning to one side slightly putting strain on your lower back. If the cause of the weakness in the knee is addressed (it could be coming from your hips or glutes) it will allow your body to move correctly and limit issues in other areas of the body.

We often hear that people have woken up with niggles in the neck, or that they have injured themselves playing sport or other activities at home. We always recommend our clients see a professional healthcare worker to get treatment. But we also liaise with the health care worker to ensure that we understand what the issue is with the body, what treatment is being undertaken, rehab movements that have been recommended, and also to speak with the professional on what we can do to assist their recovery during our training sessions.

We highly recommend having any body niggles attended to as soon as possible, and will always work with your health care worker to understand the issue and help with the rehab while training with us.


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Why Incidental Exercise is important