Are you doing what makes you happy?

Does this sound like you? We often go through life doing things to please everyone else. Making sure the kids and family are doing activities they enjoy. We work in a job where we put everyone else first. Do we go to family events that are in conflict with our own happiness?

Are you doing what makes YOU happy? How do you know?

The first step is to get out a big piece of paper or a whiteboard and write down what makes you happy. Truly happy and puts a smile on your face. But make sure it’s about you - not the family. What is it that YOU truly enjoy in life? Don’t be surprised if this takes a while as we are sometimes so caught up in habits that involve everyone else’s happiness that you may forget what you really enjoy yourself.

Then look at this list and what you are currently doing in life. Are you including any of these activities in your daily life? Or weekly? Do you need to make changes?

As a parent, you need to be happy in yourself to enable your family and those around you to be happy. If you are not happy, then chances are the family isn’t either, as it will reflect in the way you respond to others or interact with each other.

Go and get out the paper and pen and draw up your happiness list. Then take the plunge and make changes to your life to ensure you can be happy every day. :)


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