5 Hacks for Healthy Snacks

Do you find it difficult to eat healthy snacks on the go - and tend to grab something from the pantry or something in a packet to keep you going? Here are 5 hacks to have healthy snacks for the entire family.

1. Grab a piece of fruit – it’s ready to go, has no preparation time can be eaten on the go, and is full of vitamins and nutrients.

2. Add healthy nut butter to your fruit – apple with almond butter is a great snack that will keep you full until your next meal, and you get the benefits of good fats.

3. Add your own flavours – try not to buy flavoured yoghurts – they can be loaded with added sugars. Instead, buy natural yoghurt and add your own fruit. This way you know exactly what you are getting and also getting the nutrients, and goodness from the fruit.

4. Make bulk – find a great protein ball recipe and make double!! Keep them in the freezer and grab 1-2 to go to keep you full and satisfied until your next meal.

5. Cut up your fruit – if you see a whole watermelon in the fridge, you are less likely to eat it if you are in a hurry, as you need to cut it and prepare it. Instead, when you buy your larger fruits, like watermelon and pineapple, cut it into smaller pieces and store in an air tight container in the fridge. The kids are more likely to grab a piece to eat instead of a bag of chips as well.

Do you have a healthy snack hack to share?


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