Are You a Winter Winner or Whiner?

Yes, the winter weather is definitely upon us - do you let it get in the way of your goals?

Don't let the cold weather slow you down, or stop you from achieving your health and fitness goals. If you dislike training in winter or the cold and have become a “winter whiner”, here are some tips to keep the focus on your goals for your summer health.

  • Find a workout buddy and make a date with them (you won't want to let them down)

  • Put your workout clothes out the night before so you can have a couple more minutes snuggled up in bed, or... wear your workout clothes to bed - definitely no excuses for not getting up and into your workout.

  • Pre-plan your sessions! Know what you are going to do each day with your training, ie online class, run, pilates session, walk with friends. You are less likely to give up on the session if you have booked them into your calendar.

  • Remind yourself of all of the reasons you want to do this workout - remember your motivation (the 5 why’s).

Life will sometimes get in the way and mess up even the best laid out plans, but don’t let that derail you. Know that you can still do something later to get moving, even if it is a walk to the playground with the kids for an afternoon of fun.

Turn yourself from a winter whiner to a winter winner and know that working on your goals now will have huge benefits to your body and health once the warmer weather arrives.


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