I can’t lose by belly!!

One question I am guaranteed to hear every week is “what exercise can I do to lose my belly flab?”

Wouldn’t it be great if doing situps every day made our belly flat? Unfortunately, it takes more than exercise. I like to use the analogy of a six-pack of beer. We have the 6 pack, but it is covered by a carton, and we need to lose the carton (fat) layer before you can see the 6 pack underneath.

Your stomach and belly area is the same. While doing core exercises are important in building up strength in your midsection, and supporting your lower back at the same time, if the muscles are covered by a layer of fat, you still won’t see them.

This is where the food you eat is so important. Some people experience bloating and discomfort after eating, particularly certain foods. If this is you, I highly recommend you see a doctor or dietitian to determine if you have any food intolerances that may be contributing to your belly bloat.

Eating whole foods and staying away from refined sugar and processed foods is the best way to reduce belly flab. Make sure you have plenty of vegetables and fibre for optimal gut health, and if needed look into a probiotic to ensure your digestive system is full of goodness. Yogurt and Kefir are great food sources for added probiotics.

Chew your food slowly - allow your food to be broken down in the mouth, which will be gentler on the digestive tract in breaking it down further. Allow your teeth and saliva to do the work before food enters your stomach. And try not to eat and talk. Swallowing air will contribute to belly bloat.

Avoid adding refined sugar into your meals and cooking, and replace it with natural sweeteners, like maple syrup, agave syrup, or coconut sugar instead. You can also try a mini detox each morning by starting the day with a glass of lemon water before you eat.

New mums - don’t compare yourself to athletes who have had a baby and bounced back to their pre-baby body within weeks. The amount of work you do before and during pregnancy affects your body’s ability to recover from childbirth. And remember, it can take up to 6 months for your uterus to return to normal size and position.

Keep doing your core exercises so that your muscles are strong and add stability and strength to your torso and lower back. But remember to make some changes to the way you eat as well - then watch the changes come.


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