But I don’t have time!

How many times do I hear this? I’ve even used it myself. But to be brutally honest, if you don’t make time for your health, you won’t have good health as you get older.

It is no longer necessary to spend hours each week working out at the gym to obtain good health and optimal weight. The key is to do the right thing for your body and age to get the results you desire. And that can start with getting moving on a regular basis.

Incidental exercise is better than sitting. Going for a walk, walking the dog, playing with the kids in the backyard or playground. But adding in a higher intensity session 2-3 times a week will really help your body to feel more flexible, energised, lighter, and mobile.

If you are struggling to find time to move, why not split your training up into 2 smaller sessions a day - researchers have shown that doing 10 minutes twice a day is just as effective as one longer session.

That is where my 5 minute workouts for busy people are great!! You can do them anywhere, including the office - and they only take 5 minutes. If you have longer, you can do them again for 10 minutes, 15 minutes, or more. And because you don’t need fancy equipment you can do them anywhere at any time.

If you are unsure of what training suits your lifestyle and age, or you are busy, stuck in the office, tired at night, or just need a way to get moving during the day to improve your fitness, build muscle and feel energised, I can help you get there.


Can I train after having my baby?


How to train with perfect technique and why it is important