How can I fit my workout into my work day?

I hear it all the time - “I don’t have time to workout!”. I get up, go to work, come home, rest and go to bed and start over again”. Does that sound familiar?

You no longer need to bust out an hour or 2 of exercise at the gym to get results. Getting movement into your days in any way is beneficial to your overall health.

Studies have shown that sedentary lifestyle or sitting at your desk all day can be as damaging to your overall health as smoking heavily. So hear are some ways to get moving!!

  1. Set a reminder on your phone or computer to stand every hour, and go for a walk around the office or home. This clears your head from the computer and gets the blood moving around the muscles.

  2. Get a standup desk - not only do you get off your butt all day, but it can also help ease lower back pain.

  3. Get out during your lunch break - even if it’s just for 10-15 minutes, head outside and get fresh air and go for a walk. Moving of any kind is better than no moving at all.

    1. Take the stairs at work if you have them, instead of the lift. And also park the car further away and walk that bit extra. If you catch the tram or bus, get off a stop earlier and walk the last part.

  4. On weekends, take the kids or dog for a walk to the shops, the park or to visit friends.

  5. Do a 5 minute workout. I’m excited to launch a new program soon that will enable workers to take a break, do a short 5 minute workout and then get back to work (and if you have time you can do it twice for 10 minutes etc).

Stay tuned on my website and Facebook page for details coming soon on my new Workouts for Busy People Program.


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